the gypsies' journey...

we all are gypsies of a sort wandering traveling through this life other lives space and time here there and yon on roads less traveled - following the path of the sun and the trail of the stars to worlds known and unknown from yesterday and today into tomorrow -

this is a written and visual journal of my own travels - imagined and/or real -
imagined and/or real - a STREAMOFCONSCIOUSNESS telling of my own personal thoughts feelings experiences - interspersed with words and images of others - with things defined by most as PARAnormal which - for me - all my life - have been PERFECTLYnormal -

SO come along with me and we'll dance among the stars under the sun and over the moon - we'll share our stories around the campfire - together -


My photo
A...WOMAN IN MOTION WITH HAIR AS DARK AS NIGHT HER EYES WERE LIKE THAT OF A CAT IN THE DARK... SHE WAS A GYPSYWOMAN... she danced round and round... from the fire her face was all aglow... she was dancing... dancing... waiting for the RISING SUN... loving caring relationships are like THE RISING SUN...we are nourished by their warmth...we are energized by their strength...we grow in their light...we find shelter and solace there...they are our sanctuary... born in the sign of the sun, i am a true LEO-love the sun and its hot orange red fire-passionate in and about everything i do-i believe in instant chemistry charisma love/lust at first sight-in the magic of the eyes and the beauty of the soul-in the instant recognition familiarity in meeting someone from a past life and in the knowledge that we might meet in a future life-i believe that we are each ageless and flawless-i believe in the beauty of the moment-the whisper of yesterday-the hope of tomorrow-the power of forgiveness for even ourselves-the absolute and total beauty of love---[credit to brian hyland and curtis mayfield]

Sunday, October 31, 2010


two possibilities exist:
either we are alone in the Universe or we are not -
both are equally terrifying -

Saturday, October 30, 2010

to dream of totems...

deep in slumber, dreams unending,
wise old bear, patient, strong,
send me dreams of transformation -
grant me intuition along
with introspection of my life,
inner listening, no more strife -

Caution, Healing, Leadership

The power of the Bear totem
is the power of introspection.
The answers to all our questions
lie within us.
Each of us has the capacity to quiet the mind,
enter the silence and know
Just as the bear hibernates during the winter,
people with a Bear totem will be quieter
during the winter months.  But they
must awaken in the spring and seek
whatever opportunities are around them.
When you have a Bear totem,
you are being guided to a leadership role.
You must be fearless in defending your beliefs.
The Bear also encourages you to exercise
your abilities as a natural healer.
Bears are associated with trees which are natural antennas, linking the heavens and the Earth.
Bear also has links to the seven color rays of the Universal Light
as well as Lunar ties, linking the subconscious and the unconscious mind.
It is associated with the Goddess Artemis.

recently, i have had dreams of animals - mostly lions, but also a blue bear totem - in my dream, the blue bear appears visually in the form of the "totem" - in the dream of the blue bear, the bear is accompanied by a blue lion totem as they walk along the edge of a large body of water with high waves - in any event, trish and rob macgregor both have commented on my dream and rob was kind enough to provide the quote above [in red] to help me in determining the meaning of my dream - but i was so taken by the all of the blue bear's story that i have included it here for you - 


perolanestudio/pat deselle "blue bear totem"

the macgregor's blog:

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

that little touch of blue...

in the center of any flame
is that little touch of blue...

to me, truman capote is one of the most intriguing characters of literature and film - i would love to have had the opportunity to sit down at dinner with him, perhaps to the light of a candle flame, with a little touch of blue....this is just one of his many quotes that i find so touching - and i hope you do -

Monday, October 25, 2010

just look up - before you decide -

are we really alone?  really?
having recently witnessed an unusual sighting [to say the least] myself [and not my first sighting, either], and having told of it on trish and rob macgregor's blog [], the following is offered just as an appetizer for the food for thought that abounds when the word UFO is even mentioned - these words come not from joe smith in little tuck, texas, but from world-renown professional and political figures - to be read and digested as you will:

"Of course UFOs are real, and they are interplanetary. The cumulative evidence for the existence of UFOs is quite overwhelming and I accept the fact of their existence."
---Air Chief Marshall Lord Hugh Dowding
Commanding Officer of the Royal Air Force during WWII.

"Let there be no doubt. Alien technology harvested from the infamous saucer crash in Roswell, N.Mex., in July 1947 led directly to the development of the integrated circuit chip, laser and fibre optic technologies, particle beams, electromagnetic propulsion systems, depleted uranium projectiles, stealth capabilities, and many others.
How do I know? I was in charge!   I think the kids on this planet are wise to the truth, and I think we ought to give it to them. I think they deserve it."
---Colonel Philip Corso
Army Intelligence officer, former Head of Foreign Technology at the U.S. Army's Research and Development Department at the Pentagon. Four years Director of Intelligence on President Eisenhower's White House National Security Staff

"I can assure you that flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by any power on earth."
---President Harry S. Truman, 1950.

"I believe that these extra-terrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets... Most astronauts were reluctant to discuss UFOs." "I did have occasion in 1951 to have two days of observation of many flights of them, of different sizes, flying in fighter formation, generally from east to west over Europe."
---Major Gordon Cooper (NASA astronaut) to the United Nations:

"I'm convinced that [flying] saucers have an out-of-world basis."
---Dr. Walter Reidel, noted German rocket expert. LIFE 4-7-1952.

"Flying Saucers come from distant worlds."
---Dr. Herman Oberth, American Weekly magazine, October 24, 1954.

"Of course the flying saucers are real, and they are interplanetary."
---Air Chief Marshall Lord Dowding (head of Royal Air Force during World War II) quoted by Rueters, August, 1954.

"The nations of the world will have to unite, for the next war will be an interplanetary war. The nations of the earth must someday make a common front against attack by people from other planets."
---General Douglas MacArthur- Oct. 8, 1955 (From "Above Top Secret" by Timothy Good)

"Unidentified Flying Objects are entering our atmosphere at very high speeds and obviously under intelligent control. We must solve this riddle without delay."
---Rear Admiral Delmar Fahrney, USNR, letter to NICAP, 1956.

"The Air Force maintains a continuous surveillance of the atmosphere near Earth for Unidentified Flying Objects."
---Secretary of Air Force to Base Commanders, August 15, 1960.

"If the intelligence of these creatures were sufficiently superior to ours, they might choose to have little, if any, contact with us."
---Brookings Institution report on extraterrestrial life. Quoted in New York Times, December 15, 1960.
"At no time, when the astronauts were in space were they alone: there was a constant surveillance by UFOs."
---NASA Astronaut Scott Carpenter
Carpenter photographed a UFO while in orbit on May 24, 1962. NASA still has not released the photograph.

"The case of UFO interference with our naval transport, the Punta Mendota, was but one of fifteen such cases which the Argentine Navy has reported since 1963."
---Lt. Commander O.R. Pagini, special assistant to Sec. of Argentine Navy, letter to NICAP, September, 1965.

"There is scientific evidence that strange objects are circling our planet. It is lamentable that governments have drawn a veil of secrecy around this matter."
---Professor Gabriel Alvial, Cerro Calan Observatory, quoted by Reuters on August 26, 1965.

"Something unknown to our understanding is visiting this Earth."
---Dr. Mitrovan Zverev (USSR), quoted by Reuters, August 26, 1965.

"I've been convinced for a long time that the flying saucers are interplanetary. We are being watched by beings from outer space."
---Albert M. Chop, deputy public relations director, NASA, True Magazine , Jan. 1965.

"I feel that the Air Force has not been giving out all the available information on these Unidentified Flying Objects. You cannot disregard so many unimpeachable sources."
---Honorable John McCormack, Speaker of the House, January, 1965, True Magazine.

"We are not alone in the universe!"
---Prof. Claudio Anguila, director of Cerro Calan Observatory, quoted by Reuters, August 26, 1965.

"Mission control, we have a UFO pacing our position, request instructions."
---Astronaut Cady Coleman
NASA Transmission - Shuttle Mission STS-73

"All Apollo and Gemini flights were followed, both at a distance and sometimes also quite closely, by space vehicles of extraterrestrial origin - flying saucers, or UFOs, if you want to call them by that name.  Every time it occurred, the astronauts informed Mission Control, who then ordered absolute silence."
---Maurice Chatelain
Former Chief of NASA Communications Systems

"I looked out the window and saw this white light. It was zigzagging around. I went up to the pilot and said, "Have you ever seen anything like that?" He was shocked and he said, "Nope." And I said to him: "Let's follow it!"  We followed it for several minutes. It was a bright white light. We followed it to Bakersfield, and all of a sudden to our utter amazement it went straight up into the heavens. When I got off the plane I told Nancy all about it."
---Former US President Ronald Reagan
Describing his 1974 UFO encounter to veteran newsman Norman C. Miller, Washington bureau chief for the Wall Street Journal.

"If I become President, I'll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and scientists. I am convinced that UFOs exist because I have seen one."
---President Jimmy Carter during his Presidential campaign.

"In the firm belief that the American public deserves a better explanation than that thus far given by the Air Force, I strongly recommend that there be a committee investigation of the UFO phenomena. I think we owe it to the people to establish credibility regarding UFOs, and to produce the greatest possible enlightenment of the subject."
---President Gerald Ford (during his years as a US Congressman).

"It is true that I was denied access to a facility at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, because I never got in. I can't tell you what was inside. We both know about the rumors (concerning a captured UFO and crew members). I have never seen what I would call a UFO, but I have intelligent friends who have."
---US Senator, US Air Force General, and candidate for President, Barry Goldwater, quoted from a letter he wrote dated April 11, 1979.

"With our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. I occasionally think how quickly our differences, worldwide, would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world."
---Former President Ronald Reagan, while sharing the stage with former Russian leader,
Mikhail Gorbachev, 1988.

"The Air Force has arrived at the conclusion that a certain number of anomalous phenomena has been produced in Belgian airspace.  The numerous testimonies of ground observations reinforced by the reports of the night March 30-31 (1990) have led us to face the hypothesis that a certain number of unauthorised aerial activities have taken place.  The day will undoubtedly come when the phenomenon will be observed with the technological means of detection and collection that won't leave a single doubt about its origin.  This should lift a part of the veil that has covered the mystery for a long time; a mystery that continues to be present.  But it exists, it is real, and that in itself is an important conclusion."
---Colonel Wilfred De Brouwer
Chief of Operations for the Belgian Air Force in 1990 following a spate of sightings over the country witnessed by hundreds of people. Many of the sightings were confirmed on radar.

"I concentrate on the science. I'm interested in the UFOs seen by the police and military witnesses. I'm interested in the near misses that pilots report, where their aircraft nearly collide with these things. I'm interested in the visual sightings backed up by radar. I'm interested in the military bases that are overflown by these things. I'm interested in the cases where you have radiation readings on the ground.  These are no lights in the sky. These are not mis-identifications of fantasy prone individuals. This is a cutting-edge technology being reported by reliable, trained observers, and it is something that goes beyond what we can do.  That to me suggests that if it is not ours, it belongs to someone else. If that technology is better than ours, then the extraterrestrial hypothesis seems to me the best explanation."
---Nick Pope
Head of the "UFO desk" at Air Secretariat 2-A, British Ministry of Defense from 1991-1994.

"Of course it is possible that UFO's really do contain aliens as many people believe, and the government is hushing it up. I wouldn't like to comment on that."
---Comment by Stephen Hawking (world renowned astrophysicist) on C Span Television. Stephen Hawking was the guest lecturer at the second Millennium Evening at the White House on March 6, 1998.                   

U.S. Vice-President Cheney was taken aback by the very first question posed to him" by a caller to Diane Rehm's national radio show. The caller asked Cheney whether the administration "has developed a policy on 'UFOs' and the little creatures flying them? Raising an eyebrow, Cheney no doubt made the caller's day by replying that if he did attend such a meeting on UFOs, it most certainly would be 'classified,' and therefore he'd be unable to discuss it.
---Snips from Washington Times, 4-13-01.

these quotes have been gathered from various internet sources - their accuracy has not been checked by me - however, they are found in many different credible sites on the net - take them as you will -

Saturday, October 23, 2010

on wings of wire...

the sun no longer shines
darkness destroys the holy trine
and night slips in our minds
what now the fate of all mankind
will the planets all align
or will they surely intertwine

and now they come
they come not to be outdone
they come this way to conspire
and hold at bay the world entire
this and only this the beasts desire

they are the ones with souls depraved
and in their hearts sin engraved

darkest days to find our way
who will rule if chaos stays
they will reign come what may

on wings of wire
from skies on fire
bodies cloaked in linen robes
floating down like celestial globes
with their thoughts your soul they probe
layer on layer to the lowest lobe

feet unshod
and in their hands are lightening rods
four by four
then some more
they come
with their drums

they dig their way
from the earths dark wet caves
to come above and all enslave
and bring with them the tidal wave
but what of them the gods forgave
is there no salvage from the grave

they draw you in then slam the door
and take you through the ocean floor
they come to drain you to the core
as they are here the gods own whore
do not false prophets you ignore

lion of blue
two by two
bear of blue
what to do
the bear and lion both carnivores
and will not stop till all means more

along the waters edge
they crawl the concrete ledge
what will be when time has dredged
and nothing left but their own hedge
they are not souls
among the blessed
they are not ghosts but souls in flesh
do not let them be reviled
listen to the words of the wanton child
who speaks in voices now beguiled
as she was birthed by spirits wild

read the raging signs
they tell you of the time
down from the skies falls the great blue bear
oh gods of gods hear our prayers
with seven rays of light divine
his time has run its course
the blue bear now a demon force

read the raging signs
they tell you of the time
when lord of the golden sun now roars
pray the mighty lion your soul restores
but should you wish for love and more
just hark you now the great lion’s lore

invoke you now your primal id
to do the mother’s final bid
as the sword of salvation cries
and silently slashes the weeping sky

do you hear them
do you see them
do you feel them
they are here
they are near
those you fear
they are


when will truth 
be revealed
or will they 

these words follow a recent dream in which i see two animals, a blue bear and a blue lion, appearing very totem-like, walking along a concrete ledge overlooking large waves of water - to the side, there is a 3-tiered apparatus floating down to earth on which stand in each corner of the top to levels, beings dressed in linen-white full-length hooded garments - these are the words that came to me immediately after the dream -

Thursday, October 21, 2010

and the stars speak to us...

A physician 
without a knowledge 
of Astrology 
has no right 
to call himself 
a physician.

Monday, October 18, 2010

voices from the fields - and we ain't talkin' cotton -

 fields of white fluff
flecked in twigs of brown
holding up skies of whisperin' strings of dreams
hanging on the old plantation tree
bayous brimmin' with nightmares
of babies born to die in chains
ghosts of dark annie’s red-haired girl child
now runnin' free in the big house
the big house of her sperm daddy
balls of white turned scarlet red
with the blood-fingers of those starvin' chained souls
waters turned stagnant from closed minds and hearts of stone
epithets of brown skinned souls etched
into tree trunks by the noose round their neck
spirits swing there in the silence of their crimes
murder by any other name
murder still
nothin’ civil ‘bout a civil war
rivers run red
from crimes of the bed
all those hopes now laying dead
with babies born but never fed

rivers run red
bodies of white
held by brown arms already dead
ain’t none of it never ‘nough
murder by any other name
murder still while
rivers run red

and we ain’t talkin’ cotton

for those of you who've not seen this over at gypsywomanworld, i share it here because it seems to fit here, as well - this piece was scribbled in my notebook literally as i drove through the cotton fields of arkansas on my recent trip - there is no editing from the original words - no particular format of "poetry" here - just a rambling stream of consciousness arising from the spirits speaking from those timeless fields of slavery - 

Friday, October 15, 2010

ain't no doubt...

ain't no doubt
within without
men in black
ready for attack
here's the stack
now cut the deck
nothin' left -
not even a speck

while there was no fear associated with my experience, these words came to me after a recent sighting of a large ship over my house - please see the related 10/08/2010 post "the ship" at the blog of trish and rob macgregor
